Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 14, 2004

20 weeks 4 days

We just got our 20 week ultrasound yesterday. And we found out the sex of the baby.

As excited as I am, I can't help but feel apprehensive about the way that is done, but I suppose it is safe...but high frewuency sound waves pummeling my deeveloping baby ake me nervous...or is it irritated?

The baby was moving all around and stuff. :) It was cool. Everytime she tried to take a picture of the top of the babies head it would look straight into the camera. :) Awwweeee. :) We got a few pictures, and we are really excited. I will post some ultrasound pictures in the near future.

In other news I am now an official Fire Fighter and the money situation is looking up. :)


I am so proud to be your husband. So much of who I am is a direct result of being with you, and I know you feel insecure sometimes because I get hit on, but the fact is that no other girl could ever measure up. There is no longer a guard at the castle, the dragon has already been you, and they would forever be in your shadow. I am what they like because of you, and I love you with all my heart.

Te Adoro,

Did I mention it's a boy? :)


Lou Lou said...

Wonderful news on all counts.
Looking forward to the piccies, i still have my daughters safe. I look everyonce in a while and always they make me cry

Unknown said...


Wonderful news! Aren't those ultrasounds something else? It seems to bring the whole thing to a different level of reality or something -- at least, that's how I felt about them. :) You know the baby is in there, you know things will be different (in a good way) from now on, but until you see that little one in there for the first time... wow.

A boy? WONDERFUL! Congratulations!

AND... what a lovely entry, Mike. Awwww. :)