The baby is like 5 inches or so now and by the end of this week is supposed to be fully formed. I saw a picture of what the feet look like at 13 weeks, and they look like perfect little baby feet! :) Not sure when the untrasound is but I hope they can tell us if its a boy or a girl. That would be so awesome have been reading through that baby name book and it sucks. There are so many stupid names in there I am going nuts. I think instead of 40,001 names we need like 500. I can deal with 500, but by the time you get through 40,001 you will have narrowed it down to what, like 100 names? Bleh!
I know we are not getting a lot of time together, but I will be done Nov 1st with the Academy so that will free of my Saturdays and Tues and Thurs Nights. :) Anyway, I am thinking about you here at work, and I love you with all my heart.
we talked names, we never really settled on any. she arrived and that was it i knew. take your time, remeber the poor kid's gonna be stuck with it for life! take into account initials, take into account spellings/meanings/and if there is anyone famous with the same name most importantly take into account if its a name however cute you think it is right now isnt gonna get the shit kicked out of the kid for the few years he/she is at school!
you probably already thought of all this, but it's something i never really thought of at the time!
Thanks for the feedback guys. :) I appreciate it! :)
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