Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Can you guess the theme of the babies room? :) Posted by Hello

Friday, January 28, 2005

31 weeks 2 days

Our last baby class was on Wednesday and since the first day they have been telling us that the husbands were going to have to change a babies diaper and whoever did it the fastest and most proper would win a prize. The moment of truth came out on Wednesday. It was rather lucky that I had to diaper a baby girl since I have 3 little sisters that I changed diapers for and only one little brother. :) Since the number of diapers I have changed is right around the hundreds (renee was a boob baby and they poop alot in the beginning) I didn't want to whiz through it since the other guys seemed to be having "issues", but you knew I could do it faster and since I was sandbagging you were getting all tense and competitive. LOL You are so cute it cracks me up. I still won. (Against the guy that has 2 kids already) :)

Yay Me!

Monday, January 24, 2005

30 weeks 5 days

I'm so in love with you! Yesterday was the first competition for the your Formation Team, and it was fraught with disaster. You know exactly what happened, but to sum up for those who don't. First thing one girl got strep the morning of the competition. Second to compound the fact that she was missing she was a line leader in nearly every element in the routine. Third this was the first time for most of the girls to skate at another rink let alone a competition, and there were atleast 8 falls in the program from girls who never fall. Fourth the ice was much harder than the girls home ice arena. Lastly, the girls went first in their group right after an "ice make" to cap off the event. Despite all of these factors you focused very professionally on the problem. A. Some girls probably didn't have their skates sharpened recently. B. They need to be accountable for their mistakes because yes the ice was hard and slippery, but not ALL of the girls fell. C. When you feel foreign ice skate more cautiously.

You refocused the accountability back to them for their performance. If you start blaming something else besides yourself you will never fix the problem. Yes you realize that the ice was PARTLY to blame for the performance, but you cannot set bad precedence for your team by placing blame on an intangible.

I was, and am still so impressed with you. You will coach a truely great team one day it may well be the girls you have now and the coaches who get these girls after you will thank you. The finest performance of the day was yours although I know I am the only one who saw it.

To put things in perspective for all of the people reading this. A girl from the team just above Loris fell 1 minute into a 3 minute routine and knocked out a tooth, root and all, and chipped another and nobody knew it because she got up and skated the rest of the routine swallowing mouthfulls of blood. That is the level of dedication a 13 year old can have to her teammates. Nobody would have blamed her if she would have come straight off the ice. Her team would have lost but nobody would have been upset. Instead they got second. Truely unbelieveable.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

29 weeks 6 days

We had our first baby shower on Sunday and we really had a good time even tho you don't like to be the center of attention. :) You crack me up. We got all kinds of wonderful things from your synchro team. Even tho it was god awful cold we still had a good time. :) I sure am having a good time doing this dance dance revolution wish you could play with me. GOOD NEWS. By the time you read this you WILL be able to play with me. :)

Special Thanks to:

Karen and Laura and all the ladies involved. Thank You.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

28 weeks 4 days

I took the advice of a friend and wrote the follwing letter from Gavin to Mommy.

Dear Mommy,

I think about you all the time. Every day I wake up to your voice and your movements and I am happy.

I am growing bigger and bigger every day, and daddy hopes I have your nose. He also says when I finally arrive I have to be strong and protect you, so I am doing lots of exercise in here; I even punched daddy in that back last night. :)

I can't wait to see you daddy says you are wonderful, with beautiful eyes and a smile like an angel! I know what those look like so you must be very pretty indeed. It's funny how much I love you and I haven't seen you yet. I am looking forward to snuggling you Trinity and Daisey. I love you all so much!

Your little (BIG) boy,

P.S. Daddy helped me write this. Isn't he nice. :) He says to remember that right around the8th, 9th and 10th cm of dilation (whatever that means).

Thursday, January 06, 2005

28 weeks 1 day

So we had our first child birth class and it was...uh...nauseating. Even my Uterus was hurting. :) We get to see the videos next week. *gulp* I shudder to think. It only cements in my mind that my mother was a total fucking badass for having 6 kids and taking care of us 24/7. Women nowadays are wimps. I have a person I know who bitches constantly about the one little monster she has, and it makes me nuts.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

27 weeks 3 days

Everyone is really taking notice of your belly now. :) It's so cute. "Wow Lori you popped!" This has been heard a few times in the past few days. Things are going well and it is a new year now. I forgot to Mention the Tsunami in my last post so I will mention it here. It happened on the 26th of December a website was put up by a guy I know with all sorts of videos and pictures here The last report was that Indonesia alone lost 80,000 people. Maybe this will help you remember when you started your third tri-mester.

Last night we had a New Years Eve Party, and it was a good time. Friends and family came and celebrated and there was a ridiculous fireworks display that I did not expect. Go thing I wasn't sleeping or I would have thought we were getting bombed. Holy crap! :)